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thala ssinos

64. Unsaturated fatty acid-induced conformational transitions and aggregation of the repeat domain of Tau. Molecules  25, 2716 (1-21), (2020)

64. C.G. Barracchia, R. Tira, F. Parolini, F. Munari, L. Bubacco, G.A. Spyroulias, M. D’Onofrio, M. Assfalg. Unsaturated fatty acid-induced conformational transitions and aggregation of the repeat domain of Tau. Molecules  25, 2716 (1-21), (2020).

63. Marine-Derived Surface Active Agents: Health-Promoting Properties and Blue Biotechnology-Based Applications. Biomolecules  10, 885 (1-27), (2020)

63. I. Anestopoulos, D.-E. Kiousi, A. Klavaris, M. Maijo, A. Serpico, A. Suarez, G. Sanchez, K. Salek, S. A. Chasapi, A. A. Zompra, A. Galanis, G. A. Spyroulias, S. R. Euston, L. Gombau, A. Pappa, M.I. Panayiotidis. Marine-Derived Surface Active Agents: Health-Promoting Properties and Blue Biotechnology-Based Applications. Biomolecules  10, 885 (1-27), (2020).

62. Metabolic changes in early neonatal life: NMR analysis of the neonatal metabolic profile to monitor postnatal metabolic adaptations. Metabolomics  16, 58 (1-12), (2020)

62. I. Georgakopoulou, S.A. Chasapi, S.E. Bariamis, A. Varvarigou, M. Spraul, G.A. Spyroulias. Metabolic changes in early neonatal life: NMR analysis of the neonatal metabolic profile to monitor postnatal metabolic adaptations. Metabolomics  16, 58 (1-12), (2020).

61. 1H, 13C and 15N Backbone and side-chain resonance assignment of UbcH7 E2 Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme. Biomol. NMR Assign.  14, 73-78, (2020)

61. K. Marousis, M. Birkou, A. Asimakopoulou, G.A. Spyroulias. 1H, 13C and 15N Backbone and side-chain resonance assignment of UbcH7 E2 Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme. Biomol. NMR Assign.  14, 73-78, (2020).

60. Deciphering the nucleotide and RNA binding selectivity of the Mayaro virus macro domain. J. Mol. Biol.  431, 2282-2296, (2019)

60. A.C. Tsika, S. Melekis, S.-A. Tsatsouli, N. Papageorgiou, M.J. Maté, B. Canard, B. Coutard, D. Bentrop, G.A. Spyroulias. Deciphering the nucleotide and RNA binding selectivity of the Mayaro virus macro domain. J. Mol. Biol.  431, 2282-2296, (2019).

59. Conformational plasticity of the VEEV macro domain is important for binding of ADP-ribose. J. Struct. Biol.  206, 119-127, (2019)

59. G.I.  Makrynitsa, D. Ntonti, K.D. Marousis, M. Birkou, M.-T. Matsoukas, S. Asami, D. Bentrop, N. Papageorgiou, B. Canard, B. Coutard, G.A. Spyroulias. Conformational plasticity of the VEEV macro domain is important for binding of ADP-ribose. J. Struct. Biol.  206, 119-127, (2019).

58. Biosynthesis of rhamnolipid by a Marinobacter species expands the paradigm of biosurfactant synthesis to a new genus of the marine microflora. Microb. Cell Fact.  18, 164, (2019)

58. L. Tripathi, M. Twigg, A. Zompra, K. Salek, V.U. Irorere, T. Gutierrez, G.A. Spyroulias, R. Marchant, I.M. Banat. Biosynthesis of rhamnolipid by a Marinobacter species expands the paradigm of biosurfactant synthesis to a new genus of the marine microflora. Microb. Cell Fact.  18, 164, (2019).

57. Novel stable analogues of the Neurotensin C-terminal hexapeptide containing unnatural amino acids. Amino Acids  51, 1009-1022, (2019).

57. V. Magafa, M.-T. Matsoukas, V. Karageorgos, E. Dermitzaki, R. Exarchakou, E.K. Stylos, M. Pardalos, A.N. Margioris, G. Varvounis, A.G. Tzakos, G.A. Spyroulias, G. Liapakis. Novel stable analogues of the Neurotensin C-terminal hexapeptide containing unnatural amino acids. Amino Acids  51, 1009-1022, (2019)

56. Therapeutic Targeting of the Soluble Guanylate Cyclase. Curr. Med. Chem.  26, 2730-2747, (2019)

56. G. Makrynitsa, A. Argyriou, A. Zompra, G.A. Spyroulias, S. Topouzis. Therapeutic Targeting of the Soluble Guanylate Cyclase. Curr. Med. Chem.  26, 2730-2747, (2019). 10.2174/0929867326666190108095851

55. Identification and Characterisation of Short Chain Rhamnolipid Production in a Previously Uninvestigated, Non-Pathogenic Marine Pseudomonad. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 102, 8537-49

55. M.S. Twigg, L. Tripathi, A. Zompra, K. Salek, V.U. Irorere, T. Gutierrez, G.A. Spyroulias, R. Marchant, I.M. Banat. Identification and Characterisation of Short Chain Rhamnolipid Production in a Previously Uninvestigated, Non-Pathogenic Marine Pseudomonad. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 102, 8537-49, (2018).  10.1007/s00253-018-9202-3